TeRRIFICA at the Conference on Air Quality in Barcelona

22 listopada, 2019

On October 24-25th, 2019, the Conference on Air Quality took place in Sabadell. TeRRIFICA took part of the event in the information-stand of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB).

The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB), member of the co-creation team of the TeRRIFICA pilot in Barcelona, participated at the 1st Conference of Air Quality in Barcelona, presenting two European projects: TeRRIFICA and Nanosen-AQM, focused on the fight against climate change and the development of technologies to measure air quality. The 2030 Climate and Energy Plan of the AMB provides for the promotion of renewable energies in the territory, the naturalization of spaces and the improvement of metropolitan facilities, among others.

During the 1st Conference on Air Quality in Barcelona, which took place in Sabadell on October 24 and 25th, AMB made available in a 2-days stand information about two of the main international projects in which it is involved: the projects TeRRIFICA and NanoSen-AQM.

Get to know more about the TeRRIFICA pilot region in the metropolitan area of Barcelona here.



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