Sciences Citoyennes

The Citizen Science association aims at supporting and prolonging the current movement of democratic and civil appropriation of science in order to put it at the service of the common good. Created in 2002 by a group of researchers from various fields of humanities and natural sciences, by students and citizens, our main issue is to critically question the role of science and technology in the construction of a society and to put science into democracy so that it serves the common good. We work on three main issues: - the democratisation of scientific and technical choices: by the promotion of Citizen Conventions and advocating for a democratic production of research policies; - the deontology of research: by stimulating the freedom of expression and debate in science, by supporting whistle-blowers and contributing to scientific controversies such as geo-engineering; - the establishment of a “scientific third sector” that is better able to meet the growing social and ecological demands, which are neglected by the major scientific orientations whether they be defined by the state or by private industry: by increasing the capacity of research and expertise of the civil society including promoting participatory research and science shops.

Aude Lapprand

Dr Aude Lapprand, general delegate of Sciences Citoyennes, holds a Ph.D. in Physico-Chemistry specialty. After several years working as a material engineer, she joined Sciences Citoyennes in order to coordinate the different activities. To make the scientific field more democratic is the main objective of the association, so that the missions are quite large, from scientific controversies to the promotion of the third sector of science. Dr Lapprand is particularly involved in themes like the research policy analysis, responsible research and participatory research.

Glen Millot

Dr Glen Millot holds a Ph. D. in Thermodynamics. Through his activities in Sciences Citoyennes, he is currently involved in the Francophone Science Shop network and its connection with the International Science shop network (ISSNET). He also works among other things on themes such as research policy, whistleblowers and research capacities of civil society organisations via the promotion of a “Third Sector of Science”. During the fourteen past years working with Sciences Citoyennes, he has consolidated proficiencies in organizing meetings between parties coming from different backgrounds (mainly researchers and non-researchers). He was involved in TRAMS and was a WP- leader in the PERARES projects.

Fabien Piasecki

Dr Fabien Piasecki, holds a Ph.D. in Information and Communication Science. As a coordinator of Sciences Citoyennes, he was mandated to coordinate and organize the World Forum on Science and Democracy, an international platform of dialogue between social movements, NGOs and academics. Within Sciences Citoyennes, he is actually involved in the acculturation on climate issues and more particularly on the geo-engineering controversy, in the development and dissemination of a participatory process named “Citizens Convention”. This project aims at involving citizens in scientific and technological choices and orientations at a national and international level. Thanks to these activities, Fabien Piasecki had and still has many opportunities to confront points of views and people from different geographic areas and with various cultural and social backgrounds to reach common goals or co-build initiatives.