Action Plan: Public policy proposal exercise in action against climate change on the UAB university campus

10 września, 2022

Between May and June 2022, the TeRRIFICA team of the pilot region of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona carried out a practical exercise of public policy proposals against climate change. The crowdmapping tool was used at the campus of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) to analyse positive and negative feelings about climate change and to propose actions to be taken to the university’s rectorate.

Different meetings were organised -with social and environmental organisations, neighborhood associations and other groups- where both the project and the crowdmapping tool were explained and participants were asked to locate points on the map. We had a special focus on the university environment, where we worked with two groups of students (one from Environmental Sciences and the other from Political Science and Sociology).

The result was a set of approximately 100 points that also made specific reference to the campus of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. We had asked the participants, in addition to placing dots throughout the metropolitan area of Barcelona, to place at least one on the university campus itself. The intention, obviously, was to be able to work specifically on the climate situation in this area. Based on the analysis of these 100 points, three main problems were identified: 1) the extreme heat suffered on campus during the summer; 2) the atmospheric pollution that occurs in that area; and 3) travel linked to research projects, conferences, teaching stays or other academic activities generate emissions that are considered excessive.

A co-creation exercise was then initiated, where participants were challenged to respond with concrete solutions to the climate problems detected. Based on the solutions discussed and agreed upon, a local action plan was developed with three major challenges: 1) heat linked to urban planning and building on the UAB campus; 2) pollution from travel and intensive use of private cars; and 3) mobility emissions from a highly internationalized community.

All the ideas and proposals have been documented in a joint work that will be presented to UAB institutional leaders, with the intention of proposing to incorporate some of these measures in a UAB action program against climate change.



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