TeRRIFICA workshop at the 9th Living Knowledge Conference in Groningen

July 8, 2022

During the first day of the 9th Living Knowledge Conference in Groningen, end of June 2022, the TeRRIFICA team organised a workshop focusing on the question “What can we learn from and for collaborations with different stakeholder groups?”.

To set a common ground for the diverse group of around 15 participants, TeRRIFICA team members from the Pilot Regions in France, Germany, Poland, and Spain presented their stories of an identified climate hot spot. What is the context of that place? What stakeholder groups are involved in co-creatively developing a climate action? And what challenges and drivers could already be identified? The presented hot spots ranged from an agricultural field in France, parts of the university campus in Poland to a parking lot in Germany.

Based on these shared experiences, we dived deeper into the needs of specific stakeholder groups. For this, we used the persona method that is often applied in Design Thinking processes to better understand the own target group. All participants in the session worked in small groups and created a fictional politician, farmer, citizen, researcher or administration employee. We were interested in their habits, individual goals and challenges, and in a typical quote of these personas.

Through this discussion and by reflecting of the own prejudices, we moved towards the final question: “What drives or hinders your stakeholder/person to support the development and implementation of a solution for one of the presented TeRRIFICA hot spots?” Interestingly, we ended up with much more barriers (e.g. disbelief in the project, limits in resources, action is too practical, lack of communication) compared to drivers (e.g. gaining data and visibility, hands-on commitment). That shows the importance of having enough time to interact with the different stakeholder groups and to pay attention to their individual needs!

This workshop was a great opportunity to disseminate the work that we have developed within the TeRRIFICA project. The 9th Living Knowledge Conference set up the perfect context to explore part of the methodology that we have been using to co-create and involve the citizenship in the process of researching and finding solutions to climate change. The 9th Living Knowledge Conference, which was held between the 29th of June and the 1st of July in Groningen, aimed to bring together all those people involved in doing or supporting research with and for communities.



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