Advisory councils sent letter to EU co-legislators to share views on added value of European Climate Change Council

18 марта, 2021

In the context of the ongoing negotiations on the EU climate law, governmental and parliamentarian advisory councils have been following the debate on the establishment of a Climate Change Council at the European level. Following these negotiations, the advisory councils sent a letter to the European Council, The Portuguese Minister on the Environment, The European Commission’s EVP Timmermans, and members of Parliament to share their views on the added value that advisory councils have, and how this added value would also apply to a potential European Climate Change Council.

«In the letter, we introduced several key aspects in which advisory councils at the subnational, national, and European level can create added value» Arnau Queralt – Chairman of The European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils (EEAC) Network and member of the TeRRIFICA Advisory Board – explained.

«Advisory councils give – for example – independent and scientifically sound policy recommendations that focus on increasing overall societal benefits. This is tremendously important given the complexity of mitigating and adapting to climate change.«

Read more here.



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