Responding to Covid19: Building social, economic and environmental resilience with the European Green Deal

April 22, 2020

In response to the Covid19 pandemic, the Board of the EEAC Network hosted a meeting of council members, secretary-generals and directors of its member bodies to discuss the pandemic and what it will mean for the sustainable development and environmental agendas. There was a consensus that the pandemic reinforces the need to actively pursue an enhanced European Green Deal and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Following the meeting, EEAC Chairman Arnau Queralt Bassa, member of the TeRRIFICA Advisory Board, drafted a messages, entitled Responding to Covid19, Building social, economic and environmental resilience with the European Green Deal.

„The Covid19 crisis should be seen as underscoring the importance of mitigating climate change while also preparing for and adapting to its impacts, as Covid19 has clearly shown our interdependence and interconnectedness with nature. We therefore call for continuous commitment to reducing Green House Gas Emissions to curb global temperature rise while simultaneously continuing to develop adaptation strategies.“

Read more here.



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