Co-creation and climate change activities in Brittany, Pays de la Loire and Normandy

abril 7, 2021

Sciences Citoyennes leads the pilot region in France, (i.e three French administrative regions: Brittany, Pays de la Loire & Normandy). Based on information on co-creation and climate change activities and frameworks in the pilot regions collected at the beginning of the TeRRIFICA project, Sciences Citoyennes continued in 2020 to implement a co-production of knowledge process between stakeholders from the quadruple helix.

Sciences Citoyennes continued to further develop processes and instruments of co-creation activities for climate action and climate change adaptation at local and regional levels within the RESP’HAIES project. The RESP’HAIES project aims at co-producing knowledge and further actions on hedgerows in farming as a climate change mitigation and adaption solution. The project core co-creation team gathers stakeholders such as CSOs (AFAC-Agroforesteries), companies and technical consultants (SCIC Bois Bocage Energie, Solagro, Agroof), universities and high schools (University of Caen, National Institute for Agriculture and Environment, CEZ Bergerie Nationale de Rambouillet, farming high-schools), and policymakers (Normandy Agricultural Chamber).

Sciences Citoyennes participates in the RESP’HAIES project as facilitator of the co-creation process alongside the partners involved. Interviews were conducted with most partners in order to identify opportunities and barriers to co-creation and to foster the co-creation between partners. A note was producted, based on the analysis of interviews. It served as a cornerstone to pursue discussions about co-creation throughout the year, e.g. during monthly co-creation team meeting, and during special times such as the field trip organised in July 2020.This two-day field trip was  organised by one of the pilot core co-creation team, Afac Agroforestries, with the collaboration of Sciences Citoyennes. During the field trip, organised the 6th and 7th July in Brittany, stakeholders were invited to visit farms having good hedgerow management practices, but also to meet local participatory action research on the role of hedgerow for biodiversity conservation, and finally to participate in co-creation sessions organised by Sciences Citoyennes.

Furthermore, in February 2020, Sciences Citoyennes partnered with a national and wide known initiative called Transiscope which aims at gathering into one online map all positive environmental solutions on all French territory. Thanks to this partnership, a common communication on the launch of the crowd-mapping was published on both Sciences Citoyennes’ and Transiscope’s websites: This strategy aimed at reaching a much higher number of participants than a communication only through Sciences Citoyennes channels.

Throughout the year, the crowd-mapping was also disseminated to Sciences Citoyennes members, partner organisations and contacts (such as Paris Climate volunteers), by contacting them individually or via official channels. The crowd-mapping tool has been disseminated through Sciences Citoyennes’ website (, to Sciences Citoyennes members living in the pilot region and to a bigger list of supporters through two newsletters. From the 9th November till the 20th November, Sciences Citoyennes organised a communication campaign on social media to advertise the crowd-mapping tool.

Finally, Sciences Citoyennes liaised with key actors of the pilot region from the education sector in order to organise co-creation processes on climate change with students, teachers, and local experts (such as the Normandy IPCC). Sciences Citoyennes organised meetings in November 2020, December 2020, January 2021 and March 2021 with professionals from the educational sector, representatives of local public administration and the agricultural chamber, and teachers at agriculture high schools. These meetings allowed to plan experimentations of crowd-mapping activities in the beginning of 2021 in four agriculture high schools in Normandy, as well as to prepare a future summer school and other co-creation activities. Meetings with a larger number of stakeholders are already planned for 2021.

Photo by Afac-Agroforesteries’.



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