Visions of European Climate Landscapes for 2030: Developing Climate Change Adaptation Scenarios in TeRRIFICA Summer Schools

octobre 14, 2020

The 2nd GUNi International Conference on SDGs: Higher Education & Science Take Action. Summary Report has just been published and is now available on the GUNi website. This Summary Report includes the article « Visions of European Climate Landscapes for 2030: Developing Climate Change Adaptation Scenarios in TeRRIFICA Summer Schools » (pages 141-147) from TeRRIFICA project, taking into account the topics and recommendations covered during the 2nd GUNi International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: Higher Education and Science Take Action. The event was held in Barcelona in March 2020 and put the Agenda 2030 at the center of the work of higher education institutions towards sustainable development and social transformation. The Conference counted on the participation of over 230 attendees from all over the world.

Up to 104 authors (including the Editorial Team) have contributed to the Report. The publication is part of the long-term GUNi SDGs project by which GUNi wants to be one of the leading spaces for research, debate and reflection on the implementation of SDGs. We believe this Report is a valuable tool of how different higher education institutions and communities are moving forward to achieve the 2030 Agenda, and the TeRRIFICA project is a good example of that.



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