« Breakthroughs in tackling climate change powered by citizen science projects »

février 21, 2022

This new article, published by the European Research Executive Agency (REA), features the TeRRIFICA project.

Opening up science to society is essential to enrich research and to reinforce societies trust in science and innovation in the battle against climate change William Herschel, Florence Nightingale and Isaac Newton are renowned for making some of the greatest scientific discoveries of the 18th century and above all share one thing in common: they began their careers as citizen scientists. Citizen science can be described as public participation (individuals, teams or networks of volunteers) in scientific research, conducted in whole or in part, by amateur or non-professional scientists. The aim of citizen science is to bring advancements in scientific research outputs and impacts as well as increase the public’s understanding of science. Under the Science with and for Society (SwafS) part of Horizon 2020, the European Commission seeks to promote citizen science projects in research methodologies by changing a predominantly scientist-led process to a more participatory, inclusive, citizen-involved one. The following examples highlight how citizen science projects, funded by Horizon 2020, are already having a positive impact on European society and contributing to the EU Green Deal objectives. They focus on the greatest threat of our generation, climate change, seeking to leverage the diversity of the citizen science landscape and to address the different, evolving challenges citizen science teams face. Go to article here: https://rea.ec.europa.eu/news/breakthroughs-tackling-climate-change-powered-citizen-science-projects-2022-02-21_en



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