Round table “Adaptation to Climate Change in Belarus: Practices of Public Engagement”

avril 7, 2021

The round table « Adaptation to Climate Change in Belarus: Practices of Public Involvement » was held on March 26, 2021 at the Belarusian State University within the international conference « Geographical Studies in Belarus in XX – XXI Centuries »; the round table was moderated by PhD. Alexei YAROTOV, associate professor at Belarusian State University.

The roundtable was organized in a hybrid format and was attended by climate scientists, experts, climate activists and students of the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformatics of BSU. The key topics for discussion were current and future climate changes in the territory of Belarus.

The extreme effects of climate change in our country were presented by PhD Irina Danilovich, associate professor of Belarusian State University. PhD Maria Falaleeva, Chairperson of the ECOPROJECT, identified the key problems of public engagement in the processes of adaptation to the consequences of climate change.

The TeRRIFICA project team in Belarus presented the key findings of TeRRIFICA implementation in Belarus. Sophia Savelova, focused the round table discussion on the specifics of climate adaptation processes in the region based on public participation methodology. Kate Sposob, with reference to Guide on Co-Creation, outlined the participatory approaches in working with stakeholders on climate change issues. Dr. Nadezhda Samersova talked about « Living Labs » as interactive platforms for supporting open innovation processes in adaptation to climate change.

The participants of the round table were particularly interested in the experience of TeRRIFICA partners, implementing local climate change adaptation plans and practical measures in the village of Zditovo, presented by Vitaly Zhukovich (Centre for Local Development, Sporovo village council).Another example of good practices on public engagement in adaptation to climate change were digital tools for climate monitoring. Dmitriy Burenkin, member of TeRRIFICA project team presented the results of crowdmapping, Mikhail Doroshevich, representative of Minsk Smart City project, and Ivan Betsun, head of AirMQ project shared their experience on air quality monitoring in Minsk city. 



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