New Polish-language movies about TeRRIFICA and climate change

août 1, 2020

The Polish team (AMU, Poznan) has prepared three new videos promoting the TeRRIFICA project and the action of mapping the effects of climate change using the crowd-mapping tool « Mapuj Klimat » ( Below you find a brief description of them.

We encourage you to watch the materials and share them further. We are promoting the tool on our profiles on social networks on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. We invite you to follow, share, and comment on our posts, as well as to join the crowd-mapping challenge!

Zmiany klimatu wokół nas. Teoria, praktyka, TeRRIFICA (eng. Climate change around us. Theory, practice, TeRRIFICA)

The video presents basic information on climate change and its effects on man and nature. The context of the movie are the activities carried out in Europe and the Poznań Agglomeration as part of the TeRRIFICA project the main goal of which is to strengthen cooperation in society to counteract climate change, and to co-create solutions to local climate challenges (adaptation to climate change).

Siła tłumu, czyli jak mapować klimat w projekcie TeRRIFICA (eng. The power of citizens, or how to map the climate in the TeRRIFICA project)

Watching the film, you will learn how to take part in the action of mapping climate change in the Poznań Agglomeration using the crowd-mapping tool « Mapuj Klimat » ( Step by step, we discuss the features and possibilities offered by the interactive map of climate change effects developed as part of our project.

Mapuj Klimat Challenge! Razem dla klimatu w Aglomeracji Poznańskiej! (eng. Map Climate Challenge! Together for the climate in the Poznań Agglomeration!)

The video presents information about the TeRRIFICA project and the « Mapuj Klimat » tool ( Initiates our campaign promoting the use of the tool by Internet users based on the scheme of nominating new people, institutions, and organizations to take part in the climate change mapping action.



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