Pilot region

Brittany, Normandy and Pays de la Loire

Brittany, Normandy and Pays de la Loire

The French TeRRIFICA pilot region is sometimes called the Grand Ouest (Grand West) and includes three administrative regions of the North-West part of France: Pays de la Loire, Brittany and Normandy. The region is composed of major but middle size cities such as Nantes, Anger, Rennes, Brest, Caen or Le Havre, but also includes a variety of natural areas such as regional natural parks. Important parts of the pilot region are on the littoral of the Atlantic Ocean.

The Grand West region is particularly vulnerable to some climate change effects due to several specificities, including the urbanized and touristy littoral, the Loire River Valley, the weight of maritime and farming activities in the economy. The coastal location of the region is putting the region at risk of sea rise, coastal erosion, but also marine pollution or fishing resources depletion. Climate Change may also provoke flooding or very low water levers during draught periods around the Loire River valley. Farming activities may be particularly impacted by climate change mainly because of draughts or weather deregulations or due to parasites and biodiversity depletion. Meanwhile, urbanized areas are vulnerable to sanitary crises, especially due to heat waves and air pollution.

The three regions are historically and today still farming lands. The Bocage is a traditional farming landscaping emblematic of the region. It contributes to mitigating and adapting to climate change. However, hedgerows and trees have been declining since the 1950’s, whilst organic farming is not yet very developed in the region.


Action Plan: the Creation of a Multi-Stakeholder Network in the Normandy Pilot Region

Read more 2 November, 2022 TeRRIFICA Pilot Regions news

Co-creation and climate change activities in Brittany, Pays de la Loire and Normandy

Read more 7 April, 2021 TeRRIFICA Pilot Regions news

Sciences Citoyennes launches a campaign on social media to promote the TeRRIFICA crowdmapping tool in Brittany, Normandy and Pays de la Loire

Read more 9 November, 2020 TeRRIFICA Pilot Regions news

Going on the field to co-create on hedgerows from different perspectives

Read more 15 July, 2020 TeRRIFICA Pilot Regions news

State of the art of climate change adaptation and mitigation in Brittany, Normandy and Pays de la Loire

Read more 15 December, 2019 TeRRIFICA Pilot Regions news

Inter-professions meeting in Normandy: hedgerows in 2050

Read more 8 October, 2019 TeRRIFICA Pilot Regions news


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