Action Plan: the Creation of a Multi-Stakeholder Network in the Normandy Pilot Region

Within the framework of TeRRIFICA project, co-creation activities conducted in the French region of Normandy have focused on agricultural education issues and climate change mitigation. These activities allowed Sciences Citoyennes, the leading partner in the region, to bring together a diversity of local stakeholders: teachers from agricultural high schools, farmers, researchers and representatives of various … Читать далее

Experiences and conclusions from the TeRRIFICA project presented in Łódź at the POLREG 2022 conference

Experiences and conclusions from the TeRRIFICA project were presented at the 2nd Polish Conference on Urban and Regional Research, held on 23-25 October 2022. The TeRRIFICA project and references to it were presented in three speeches. The meeting in Łódź at the POLREG conference was an opportunity to exchange experiences on territory and the territorialisation … Читать далее

Imagining Our Climate Futures in Barcelona

The International Summer School “Climate Futures” was held in Barcelona from 28th to 30th September. 30 students from Belarus, Balkan countries, Germany, Poland and Spain gathered at Palau Macaya and discussed the EU climate agenda by 2030. The Summer School was organized by the EU funded project TeRRIFICA (Territorial Responsible Research and Innovation Fostering Innovative … Читать далее

Команда TeRRIFICA в Беларуси в Международной климатической школе «Climate Futures»

Международная летняя школа «Climate Futures» прошла в Барселоне с 28 по 30 сентября. 30 студентов из Беларуси, Балканских стран, Германии, Польши и Испании собрались в Palau Macaya и обсудили климатическую повестку Европейского Союза к 2030 году. Летняя школа стала частью программы Европейской недели устойчивого развития 2022. В работе школы участвовали молодежные активисты из Беларуси: Полина … Читать далее

Exhibition «Climate Impact on the inland waters of Lower Saxony» and TeRRIFICA project results can be seen in the adult education center in Cloppenburg

Water — more and more often too little and sometimes far too much at once. The problems that climate change brings with it in relation to water were the focus of the cooperation between the TeRRIFICA team in the Oldenburg Münsterland and the Cloppenburg Adult Education Centre. There, the touring exhibition «KlimaEinFluss (Climate Impact)» of … Читать далее

Климатические убежища: возможен ли такой проект в Беларуси?

Города по всему миру ежегодно подвергаются влиянию экстремальных погодных условий. Как сообщает Copernicus этим летом были снова побиты температурные рекорды в городах Европы. В крупных городах, таких как Берлин, Париж, повышение температуры ощущается еще острее. Чтобы бороться с повышением температуры, власти совместно с горожанами проводят проекты по адаптации к изменению климата: сажают деревья, строят затемняющие … Читать далее

The Barcelona Metropolitan Area Pilot Region National Dissemination Event

A National Dissemination Event was organised on 19th of September in collaboration with the Erasmus+ Savingscapes project, looking for synergies between the two projects. The main objective of the Savingscapes project is to increase landscape awareness and collaborative governance of cultural and natural landscapes through innovative learning interventions in higher education. The consortium partners specifically … Читать далее

TeRRIFICA presented at the International Geographical Union conference in Mexico

29 — 31 August 2022, the IGU Commission Geography of Governance conference ‘Local governance in a time of global emergencies’ was held in Mexico . During this event, the results of the TeRRIFICA project on cocreation around climate change adaptation and mitigation were presented in the form of a climate change adaptation plan for the … Читать далее

Action Plan: Public policy proposal exercise in action against climate change on the UAB university campus

Between May and June 2022, the TeRRIFICA team of the pilot region of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona carried out a practical exercise of public policy proposals against climate change. The crowdmapping tool was used at the campus of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) to analyse positive and negative feelings about climate change and … Читать далее

More climate protection and climate adaptation at the largest fair in the region — (How) is that possible?

For almost a week, the TeRRIFICA team from the University of Vechta presented an opportunity to participate in the alcohol-free tent at the largest folk festival in the region on the question “Climate-conscious stubble market. How do we do that?”. Ideas were collected for more climate protection and possible measures to adapt to the consequences … Читать далее