Sciences Citoyennes launches a campaign on social media to promote the TeRRIFICA crowdmapping tool in Brittany, Normandy and Pays de la Loire

The TeRRIFICA partner Sciences Citoyennes launches a week of mobilization on social media on the dates when COP26 was expected to take place. What? Climatoscopy is an online collaborative mapping tool that allows everyone to identify places where the effects of climate change are felt: The tool also makes it possible to note good … Dowiedz się więcej

Countries and cities in Europe urgently need to step up adaptation to climate change impacts

Despite the increasing awareness of climate change impacts and the need to adapt, many of Europe’s cities and towns are struggling to handle the impacts of heatwaves, severe droughts and destructive floods. Two European Environment Agency (EEA) reports published on the 12th October 2020 stress the urgent need for action to improve adaptation and resilience … Dowiedz się więcej

Climate action right at your own front door – Launch of a competition looking for climate friendly gardens

The TeRRIFICA partner University of Vechta launches a competition for climate friendly gardens. Over the summer months, all garden owners in the Oldenburger Muensterland (Germany) were asked to participate in the competition “Climate-friendly gardens”. The competition is the starting point of a series of actions and is based on the idea of identifying existing good-practice … Dowiedz się więcej

Going on the field to co-create on hedgerows from different perspectives

The co-creation team of the Brittany-Normandy-Pays de la Loire pilot region of TeRRIFICA met for a two-days seminar on the field. The team, composed of researchers in geography, sociology, ecology, but also operational experts, NGOs and professional of agriculture education, gathered around the RESP’HAIES project to co-create knowledge on hedgerows. Through a field trip in … Dowiedz się więcej

„Health in a context of climate change”, debated in an online interview

The Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP) organized on June 2, 2020 a virtual interview (available on Youtube) with Xavier Rodó, head of the Climate and Health Program of the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), within the framework of the European project H2020 TeRRIFICA (Territorial RRI Fostering Innovative Climate Action) and with the presence … Dowiedz się więcej

Climate Change Education should focus more on mitigation, adaptation, and climate justice

Climate Change Education initiatives in addition to looking at causes of climate change need to expand to focus more on mitigation and adaptation, and help students understand that mitigation is not only crucial for future generations but is also essential for current disadvantaged populations on whom climate change is having the biggest impact. These are … Dowiedz się więcej

Responding to Covid19: Building social, economic and environmental resilience with the European Green Deal

In response to the Covid19 pandemic, the Board of the EEAC Network hosted a meeting of council members, secretary-generals and directors of its member bodies to discuss the pandemic and what it will mean for the sustainable development and environmental agendas. There was a consensus that the pandemic reinforces the need to actively pursue an … Dowiedz się więcej

Launch of the TeRRIFICA Stakeholder Mapping Report

With our network partners in six regions of Europe, the TeRRIFICA project has published the TeRRIFICA Stakeholder Mapping Report. TeRRIFICA – standing for Territorial Responsible Research and Innovation Fostering Innovative Climate Action – is a European project aiming at developing innovative climate action through stakeholder engagement and co-creation.Climate change is a raising issue in the … Dowiedz się więcej

Collaborative efforts to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change – launch of the TeRRIFICA Crowdmapping tool!

Jointly co-creating climate friendly regions! “Climate change is the defining challenge of our time. Mitigating its impacts and adapting to changes already taking place or impossible to avoid will require fundamental changes to societies and behaviours all over the world – as well as scientific breakthroughs, both technological and social” (Climate Change Adaptation – Directorate-General … Dowiedz się więcej