Education for climate: Let’s play green with high school students!

On December 19, 2022, the « Let’s play green » workshop was held at the Faculty of Human Geography and Planning of the Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU), prepared by the AMU Team of TeRRIFCA, represented by Professor Katarzyna Fagiewicz and Doctor Piotr Lupa. The meeting was attended by 25 students from Karol Marcinkowski Secondary School No. 1 … Lire la suite

TeRRIFICA in Belarus: collaboration with stakeholders, creation of an eco-transport club and tree planting in Minsk

On December 2, the Final conference of the TeRRIFICA project took place at the headquarters of the Research Executive Agency (REA) in Brussels, Belgium. At the event, participants discussed the importance of the RRI concept, and the results achieved by the pilot regions. The Project manager of the TeRRIFICA Belarus, RCE Belarus coordinator Kate Sposab … Lire la suite

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) at an Institutional Level

The Co-Change project has released a new animated video about RRI! « In research guided by responsible research and innovation (RRI), members of society work with scientists to align both the entire research process and its results with societal needs. The researcher and the research institute or research funder turn openly to citizens and involve the … Lire la suite

Catégories RRI

TeRRIFICA Final Conference: Strong collaborations for the advancement of RRI

Belgrade, 23rd Nov. 2022 || Brussels, 2nd December 2022 The RRI&ngage cluster celebrates two events under the slogan « Embedding RRI for smart and climate resilient European regions » The TeRRIFICA project emerged to influence climate change policies and actions by fostering Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in 6 European regions. TeRRIFICA aimed at contributing to reducing … Lire la suite

Presentation of the AMU concept of a demonstration climate garden

Parallel to the webinar summarizing the TeRRIFICA project, an exhibition presenting students’ work on the demonstration climate garden project took place in the pilot region of the Poznań Agglomeration, in the building of the AMU Collegium Geographicum from 14-18 November 2022. The concepts developed for the garden are part of an action plan for climate … Lire la suite

National Dissemination Event in the Poznan Agglomeration

On 17 November 2022, a webinar entitled « Responsible research and innovation in university practice. Experiences from the TeRRIFICA project » summarising the activities in the TeRRIFICA project in the Poznań Agglomeration pilot region. It was also the inaugural meeting of a series of meetings organised this academic year as part of the activities of the Union … Lire la suite

The TeRRIFICA project presented at the International Geographical Union webinar

The results of the TeRRIFICA project related to activities around the preparation of the adaptation plan for the Poznan Agglomeration, taking into account civic knowledge and co-creating solutions with citizens for adaptation and mitigation to climate change, were presented at the webinar ‘The Response of Local Governance to the Global Climate Emergency’ organised by the … Lire la suite

Exchange session on metropolitan and municipal experiences on climate action

On the 8th of November, the TeRRIFICA regional team of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona organised a seminar on climate change action together with the Barcelona Metropolitan Area administration (AMB) at the AMB headquarters. The event focused on working with the technicians of the city councils of the metropolitan area on different problems generated by … Lire la suite

Societal Engagement Stories: The Road to Climate Action

After the TeRRIFICA project was selected to write and design a Societal Engagement Story, ‘The Road to Climate Action’ was published by the SocKETs (Societal engagement with Key Enabling Technologies) project. We are very pleased with this collaboration, which has enabled us to disseminate our project and results in the final stage. SocKETs aims at … Lire la suite

Action Plan: the Creation of a Multi-Stakeholder Network in the Normandy Pilot Region

Within the framework of TeRRIFICA project, co-creation activities conducted in the French region of Normandy have focused on agricultural education issues and climate change mitigation. These activities allowed Sciences Citoyennes, the leading partner in the region, to bring together a diversity of local stakeholders: teachers from agricultural high schools, farmers, researchers and representatives of various … Lire la suite