1st TeRRIFICA Online Conference “Co-creation and Climate Action. How people can have an impact on climate adaptation and mitigation?

22 maig
Online Conference maig 22, 2019 10:00 am

The 1st TeRRIFICA Online Conference was held on May 22nd 2019 from 10am to 2pm (CEST/Brussels time). Over 50 participants joint the 1st Online Conference of the project, organized by by the Science Shop Vechta/Cloppenburg University of Vechta.

The Conference started with the expert talk on co-creation given by Dr. Angela Connelly (University of Manchester). The Conference also offered good practice examples from six pilot regions in Belarus, France, Germany, Poland, Serbia and Spain that combine co-creation processes with climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies.

Read the summary of the 1st TeRRIFICA Online Conference here.