Regional Kick-Off event to engage with local stakeholders

What is TeRRIFICA and what is going to happen within this project? How can we, as persons locally affected by climate change, take part in this project? The 25 stakeholders attending our regional TeRRIFICA Kick-Off Brunch on March 2019 had many questions – the event was organized by the University of Vechta TeRRIFICA-team to provide … Read more

Climate Conference at the University of Vechta: Presentation of TeRRIFICA as a Good Practice Example

Climate Conference at the University of Vechta: Presentation of TeRRIFICA as a Good Practice Example At the Climate Conference on 28th February 2019, organised by the Coordination Centre for Transformation of Regions with Intensive Agriculture, located at the University of Vechta, Prof. Dr. Marco Rieckmann – scientific coordinator of the TeRRIFICA project at the University … Read more