„TeRRIFICA: The Belarusian Experience” featured at the „Tackling Climate Action at the Local Level: Education for Sustainable Development Projects”

A new publication from the Education for Sustainable Development Project at UNU-IAS was launched in April 27th 2021, featuring a number of outstanding climate education projects from Regional Centres of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development (RCEs). It features the contribution “Territorial Responsible Research and Innovation Fostering Innovative Climate Action: The Belarusian Experience” within the … Dowiedz się więcej

„Effective Community-Academic Partnerships on Climate Change Adaption and Mitigation: Results of a European Delphi Study”

The TeRRIFICA partners at Vechta University, Marco Rieckmann, Hannah Hoff, and Karin Bokop, have published the article at the „Sustainability and Climate Change. Apr 2021”, a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to sustainability, sustainable development, and climate change. The article is based on the Dephi study „Effective practices in community-academia research partnerships on climate change adaptation and … Dowiedz się więcej

Co-creation and climate change activities in Brittany, Pays de la Loire and Normandy

Sciences Citoyennes leads the pilot region in France, (i.e three French administrative regions: Brittany, Pays de la Loire & Normandy). Based on information on co-creation and climate change activities and frameworks in the pilot regions collected at the beginning of the TeRRIFICA project, Sciences Citoyennes continued in 2020 to implement a co-production of knowledge process … Dowiedz się więcej

Round table “Adaptation to Climate Change in Belarus: Practices of Public Engagement”

The round table „Adaptation to Climate Change in Belarus: Practices of Public Involvement” was held on March 26, 2021 at the Belarusian State University within the international conference „Geographical Studies in Belarus in XX – XXI Centuries”; the round table was moderated by PhD. Alexei YAROTOV, associate professor at Belarusian State University. The roundtable was … Dowiedz się więcej

Advisory councils sent letter to EU co-legislators to share views on added value of European Climate Change Council

In the context of the ongoing negotiations on the EU climate law, governmental and parliamentarian advisory councils have been following the debate on the establishment of a Climate Change Council at the European level. Following these negotiations, the advisory councils sent a letter to the European Council, The Portuguese Minister on the Environment, The European Commission’s EVP … Dowiedz się więcej

Sis.net publishes „Success story: TeRRIFICA – innovative climate action through territorial RRI”

The latest SiS.net success story is an interview with Norbert Steinhaus, the coordinator of the TeRRIFICA project, which aims to raise awareness of Responsible Research and Innovation and to convey that responsibility means finding solutions together when it comes to climate issues. In an interview with Norbert Steinhaus, SiS.net learned about the valuable work done … Dowiedz się więcej

Building a Climate-Resilient Future – A new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change

The European Commission adopted today a new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change, setting out the pathway to prepare for the unavoidable impacts of climate change. [Originally published 2021-02-24 European Commission:https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_663 While the EU does everything within its power to mitigate climate change, domestically and internationally, we must also get ready to face its … Dowiedz się więcej

Launch of the 2020 Adaptation Gap Report

The fifth edition of the UNEP Adaptation Gap Report looks at progress in planning for, financing and implementing adaptation – with a focus on nature-based solutions.  [Originally published 2021-01-14 United Nations Environment Programme: https://www.unep.org/resources/adaptation-gap-report-2020] The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) launched the 5th edition of the Adaptation Gap Report in a high-level online press event. The event … Dowiedz się więcej

Great examples for climate-friendly garden design in the Oldenburger Muensterland identified

The TeRRIFICA partner University of Vechta runs competition for climate friendly gardens. A sightseeing flight with a bee, a virtual tour via video, detailed hand drawings and almost arty close-ups of insects and flowers – the variety of the submitted contributions for the competition “Climate-friendly gardens in the Oldenburger Muensterland (Germany)” was great. Thus, it … Dowiedz się więcej

TeRRIFICA Crowdmapping Tool – Put a mark on the map and participate in the identification of regional needs and priorities!

This website is built to collect your experiences and opinions where in your local environment climate change comes alive and is tangible. We invite you to put a mark in this interactive map of your region and ask you to explain why you decided to mark this place in terms of climate change. TeRRIFICA is … Dowiedz się więcej