New publication related to the pilot region of Poznań Agglomeration “Cocreation for Climate Change – Needs for Actions to Vitalize Drivers and Diminish Barriers”

[1] Fagiewicz K., Churski P., Herodowicz T., Kaczmarek P., Lupa P., Morawska-Jancelewicz J., Mizgajski A., 2021: Cocreation for Climate Change—Needs for Actions to Vitalize Drivers and Diminish Barriers. Weather Climate and Society vol. 13, nr 3, s. 555-570. DOI:10.1175/WCAS-D-20-0114.1 The team of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań conducted the study aimed at the identification of … Weiterlesen

Youth Climate Congress 2020 in Poznań

The Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Poznań has been the organizer of the Youth Climate Congress – an event addressed to secondary school students since 2018. The Congress is an excellent opportunity to exchange opinions and broaden the knowledge of ecology by young people, with particular emphasis on climate issues. Due … Weiterlesen

Vorstellung toller Beispiele für klimafreundliche Gartengestaltung im Oldenburger Münsterland

Ein gemeinsamer Rundflug mit einer Hummel, ein virtueller Rundgang per Video, detaillierte Zeichnungen per Hand und fast schon künstlerische Detailaufnahmen von Insekten und Blumen – die Vielfalt der eingereichten Beiträge im Wettbewerb „Klimafreundliche Gärten und Balkone im Oldenburger Münsterland“ war groß. Dementsprechend schwierig war es für die Jury, ein Urteil zu fällen und sich auf … Weiterlesen

Citizen Science: Opening up science to society. New video of the European Commission featuring TeRRIFCA!

Opening up science to society is essential to enrich research. This new video features a video message by European Commissioner Mariya Gabriel European Commission and three EU-funded projects – TeRRIFICA, Crowd4SDG and ACTION – which involve citizens in different ways to develop research and innovation to tackle climate change. „Initiatives have to be taken on the local or … Weiterlesen

TeRRIFICA project endorses the Citizen Science SDG Declaration

The Citizen Science SDG Conference brought together expertise from policy makers, institutional and citizen scientists, economists, NGOs and civil society. The resulting declaration calls to make Citizen Science a key factor for achieving the SDGs. With this declaration, we call on European Institutions, EU Member States and their R&I Funding and Performing Organisations, business and … Weiterlesen

Visions of European Climate Landscapes for 2030: Developing Climate Change Adaptation Scenarios in TeRRIFICA Summer Schools

The 2nd GUNi International Conference on SDGs: Higher Education & Science Take Action. Summary Report has just been published and is now available on the GUNi website. This Summary Report includes the article „Visions of European Climate Landscapes for 2030: Developing Climate Change Adaptation Scenarios in TeRRIFICA Summer Schools“ (pages 141-147) from TeRRIFICA project, taking into … Weiterlesen

European Green Deal Call: empowering citizens for the transition towards a climate neutral and sustainable EU

The European Commission has launched a €1 billion call for research and innovation projects that respond to the climate crisis and help protect Europe’s unique ecosystems and biodiversity. The Horizon 2020-funded European Green Deal Call will spur Europe’s recovery from the coronavirus crisis by turning green challenges into innovation opportunities. Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, … Weiterlesen

TeRRIFICA sessions at the Citizen Science SDG Conference

Museum für Naturkunde Berlin is hosting the Citizen Science SDG Conference – Knowledge for Change as an official event of Germany’s 2020 EU Council presidency from 14. to 15. October with a conference ice-breaker on 13. October. This conference will present, evaluate and discuss the outstanding contributions that citizen science makes in framing and achieving sustainable development, … Weiterlesen

TeRRIFICA sessions at the European Week of Regions and Cities

Noise, heat, air pollution, drought, habitat loss, flooding – citizens‘ action is at the core of addressing environmental problems and adaptation to climate change. TeRRIFICA and ACTION are about listening to all voices within the territorial ecosystems and communities and demonstrating new forms of co-creation and citizen science with multi-actors in regional R&I strategies. Both … Weiterlesen

Klima-aktiv direkt vor der eigenen Haustür – Start des Wettbewerbs „Klimafreundliche Gärten“

In den Sommermonaten 2020 haben wir alle Gartenbesitzer*innen im Oldenburger Münsterland dazu aufgerufen, sich an unserem Wettbewerb „Klimafreundliche Gärten“ zu beteiligen. Der Wettbewerb ist der Startpunkt einer Aktionsreihe und soll vor allem bereits existierende gute Beispiele einer naturnahen Gartengestaltung in unserer Pilotregion identifizieren. Die Gartenbesitzer*innen dieser herausragenden Beispiele können uns dann – in Kombination mit … Weiterlesen