Andrzej Mizgajski

Andrzej Mizgajski

Professor of Earth science and Head of the Department of Integrated Geography at AMU. He is an author and co-author of more than 170 publications in the field of integrated geography, environmental management, and urban ecology. Currently, he focuses on ecosystem management in urban areas. Among numerous honors, he received a Fellowship from the German Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. He has a wide practical experience in environmental management being appointed as Secretary of State at the Polish Ministry of Environment (2004-2006) and earlier as the head of regional environmental authority in Poznań (1993-1999). Since 2014 he is the Chairman of the State Advisory Board of the Environmental Protection. He conducts broad international cooperation with research and scholar organizations. He was a Member of the European Research Council Consolidator Grants Evaluation Panel and the Core Group of Management Committee at the project COST Action: “Urban Allotment Gardens in European Cities – Future Challenges and Lessons Learned”. He represented EU member countries at the Steering Group of the Project: Mapping of Ecosystems and Their Services in the EU and its Member States. He is a Member of scientific boards as well as of the Editorial Board of the renowned Journal Ecosystem Services, Elsevier.